ZENSPIRATIONS PATTERNING BOOKS by JOANNE FINK My first adventure into this wonderful world of Doodling was accidental. I had decided to look for adult coloring books and happened to pick up Joanne Fink‘s book: “Inspirations – Designs to Feed Your Spirit” and it happened I was going up to the mountains for a spiritual retreat […]
Art Journaling
Make Your Own Mixed Media Paper Dolls
Remember the good old days when you could pickup a paper dolls book on the magazine stand in your grocery or drug store? I was always SO excited to get to punch them all out and try on the different outfits. I had a few Barbies but the outfits were very expensive back then so […]
How to Collage
The art of collage goes back to early childhood for most of us, that first paper-mache-covered balloon project or that jar we made for mom or dad covered in pretty tissue paper started a love for creating art from layering. You just have a go with collage ideas with Modpodge (for temporary items) or Matt […]
Best Scissors for Fussy Cutting
What is Fussy Cutting? Fussy Cutting is where you take a detailed focal point that you’ve either painted or drawn yourself or is taken from a collage book or a magazine. You need small scissors that are easily turned to go around all the nooks and crannies of a specific image. Some are fairly simple […]
Willowing Mixed Media Art Supply List
I’ve noticed that the supply list for all of Tamara & friends mixed media classes are quite similar so If you have bought art supplies for either of these courses, you are probably good to go. Some of the art supplies listed are easier to find in the UK than they are in the US […]
Jane Davenport Adult Activity Books – Art & Drawing
The Adult Coloring Book phenomenon has brought to the forefront the need for grownups to have something to do as a hobby that gets us unplugged from social media, paper and drawing utensil in hand and doing something using the creative sides of our brains. I am just loving all of the unique ideas that are […]