I’ve noticed that the supply list for all of Tamara & friends mixed media classes are quite similar so If you have bought art supplies for either of these courses, you are probably good to go. Some of the art supplies listed are easier to find in the UK than they are in the US so I’ve gone through and found alternatives you can find on Amazon or in retail art stores in the U.S.
Watercolor Paper for Tamara Laporte’s courses
Tamara recommends watercolor paper over mixed media paper because lots of the art lessons are pretty “wet” She uses hot-pressed paper sometimes in a block. For the US market, hotpress paper is harder to find and quite a bit more expensive so you can experiment with what you can find. I have found that Strathmore WC Paper works well for me but I’m going to try some hotpress too. 2024 Update, cold press watercolor paper works just fine for almost everything you’ll want to paint. If you are doing a portrait and want perfectly smooth skin in the face then the hot press may make a difference but there’s no difference in Mixed Media applications. If you are doing a more traditional watercolor course then the paper 100% makes a difference. Go with the nicest you can afford.
Several people in the class are using art journals this year and I’m attempting that as well with this beauty that my husband gifted me with for Christmas. It’s SO LARGE for me but I’m determined to give it a go.
Strathmore 32 page 11×14 watercolor journal
It comes in several sizes and I’m excited to try it out.
Strathmore 11 x 14 US UK or Canada
Strathmore 8 1/2 x 11 US UK or Canada
Strathmore at Blicks
Watercolor Paper
I’ve ruined a few of my projects because I tried to use mixed media paper instead of Watercolor Paper for some of the projects in the Lifebook course, I recommend some of each. Some projects that you are cutting up as mini art or bookmarks etc will be fine with the mixed media paper, but many of the lessons really need that watercolor flow.
In the US, we have a bit of a harder time finding Hot Pressed WC paper but it can be done.
Arches Hot Press Watercolor Paper
This one seems to be a favorite for the pro’s, it’s pricey for sure and I personally haven’t invested in it yet but if you are at a level where you want the best, this seems to be the recommended stuff. This is the large 10 x 14.
Click to Order Blicks Art Materials, Amazon US, UK or Canada – At Michaels
If you live in the US you can order from Michaels and have it delivered to you or the store nearest you. There are several sizes and options including the Arches Block. Click here to see the online only options at Michaels.
Paints for Life Book and any of Tamara Laporte’s classes
Tam’s favorite mixed media supply seems to be Caran D’Ache Neocolor II crayons, she also uses artist watercolor crayons that are no longer being made but you can find them on occasion in art supply stores, they are called Neoart. In the UK and Canada these are called Watercolor Pastels. It is the same product. I am able to get them at my fancy art store in open stock so if there is a color you love, I’d suggest getting a small box or from Blicks you can buy individual colors. You don’t use that much at a time, they last forever so this is a place you an economize your art supply spending. Tam uses these on every one of her projects I think.
Click to order Amazon US – Amazon UK – Amazon Canada
Flesh Tone Acrylics
Flesh tone acrylics are of course quite important to create Tam’s iconic whimsical ladies. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Any skin tone paint will work because you’ll highland and shade with whites and darker colors. I really like to use colored pencils to shade my faces and this set of skin tones by Faber Castell will let you create faces in all the rainbows of skin colors humans come in.
Posca Paint Pens are perfect for fine details and work over every type of art medium and then dry permanently. Once again, Blick’s allows you do buy 1 each of whatever colors and nib sizes you might like so it ends up being the best buy. Unless you have a store near you that offers the same.
Tam recommends 1 white & 1 black posca pen with a fine nib
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada – Blicks Art Materials
Gel medium or (impasto gel) either Liquitex or Golden Matte Gel are fine but get Matte not gloss.
Click to Order Blick Art Materials Amazon US, UK or Canada Order at Michaels
Click to Order Blick Art Materials Amazon US, UK or Canada Order at Michaels
Gesso – Once again either Liquitex or Golden works perfectly. Make sure you get Matte. Gesso’s regular state is white but it also comes in clear and black. You can also tint Gesso. You’ll learn all about this magical substance in the Lifebook art lessons
Art Supply Shopping
Sometimes I think searching for and collecting art supplies is my favorite part of the process. Collage Papers can really be things you already have, sheet music, book pages, movie tickets, scrapbooks or cardmaking paper you already have in your collection. Pick things that have colors that make you happy! Places to look for old books & sheet music are the library used book stores or thrift shops. You can also print interesting papers off of the internet. The New York Library free to use image collection is amazing to find unique ideas. Sometimes art supplies are found in the strangest places. Did you know that pretty printed napkins make amazing backgrounds in your art journal or mixed media projects? I didn’t either until taking this course. The best variety and prices I’ve found in the US is at Tuesday Morning.
Washi Tape
Washi Tape is meant to be a semi-permanent tape so you can reposition it or use it to hold things down while the mat gel gesso dry. There are so many colors and designs, I, of course, adore all the Jane Davenport designs because she uses lots of aqua and pink and mermaid ocean themes. Michaels carries a ton of Washi Tape too.
Don’t forget to use your coupons online at Michaels and then decide to use the free shipping or to have it delivered to the store for you to pick up.
Collage Paper
This really can be free or very cheap! You can use non-glossy magazine pages, old books, old music sheets, letters, the inside of security envelopes, if you belong to a Buy Nothing Group ask for some there, people are always trying to get rid of their accumulated stuff.
Scrapbook Paper
If you were or still are a scrapbooker, raid those supplies! The non-cardstock versions work perfectly for collage, and cardstock is brilliant for your substrate. (the surface or piece of paper you collage on)
This is a fabulous printed tissue paper assortment.
Serviettes – Paper Napkins
My favorites spot to buy these in the US is Tuesday Morning! Michaels has some bright colored basics with holiday ones emerging of course. Watch for those sales on those!
Amazon has a decent selection as well. I love using napkins in my collages.
Rubber Brayer
This essential little tool really comes in handy for making sure your layers of collage stay tidy and don’t crumple but you’ll need to to spread gesso too.
Lots of Speedball Brayer options on Amazon too
Click to Order Blick Art Materials
I love Strathmore paper, but have a problem with the size. Because it is an American size, it won’t fit in a normal home printer which here in England the largest size is A4. This means cutting it down which is so hard to do accurately. It doesn’t matter too much if doing ones own artwork; but if wanting to print off a pdf for adult colouring for example it is more difficult. I keep saying I will try one of the tinted colours – paper heaven.
Oh yes I’m sure, On Tamara’s website she lists WC paper for those folks in the UK, I had difficulties finding those papers so I wanted to offer up the options I came with for US folks. I don’t know why we Yanks like to have everything a special size and don’t use the metric system! This comes into play when I want to buy cookbooks from my all-time favorite show the Great Brittish Back Off, the recipes don’t always translate well.