I was trying to figure out a great gift for my dad who is starting to have signs of Alzheimer’s for Christmas and remembered that since he was a kid, he loved to design and paint large model airplanes… so why not coloring books for men? But of course, he probably wasn’t going to enjoy the flowery, tangled type that I like so I started my search for Coloring Books for Grownup Guys. Also explore the Comic Book & Graphic Novel, Science Fiction & Steampunk Coloring pages.
Men’s Coloring Books for All Occasions
Intricate Ink Animals in Detail Volume 3 by Tim Jeffs
- Order Intricate Ink Animals volume 3 Amazon US UK or Canada
- Order Intricate Ink Animals volume 2 Amazon US UK or Canada
- Order Intricate Ink Animals volume 1 Amazon US UK or Canada
Son of a Mother Trucker
A Manly Adult Coloring Book: Dad Life: Clean Dad Swears & Old Coot-isms: A Unique & Funny Antistress Coloring Gift for Men
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
One of the most popular books for men in our coloring group right now is the newest one from Kerby Rosanes World within Worlds.
World Within Worlds
I personally own this lovely book and the biggest problem is deciding which cool picture to color first. Paper quality is great too. Click to Order Amazon US, UK, Europe or Canada
Dad & Me Coloring Book
I received a copy of this beautiful book and was very impressed with both the illustrations, the quality but mostly with the unique idea of the softer side of fatherhood being show and celebrated throughout the book. The pages are perforated and TOP bound so it’s wonderful for lefties as well as those who want to display their creations after you color them in. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The Men’s Coloring Book by Nathaniel Wake
Nathaniel says it’s a Manly Mans Adult Coloring Book with Cyborg Women, Military Machines, Futuristic Battles, Western Armory, Fish Illustrations and Cars… however, I loved this book so you might have to fight your female significant other for some of the illustrations in this book. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada

Mythomorphia: An Extreme Coloring and Search Challenge by Kerby Rosanes
Click to Order on Amazon: US UK Canada
An amazing coloring book for adults featuring super-detailed animal images from artist Kerby Rosanes. Known for his popular Sketchy Stories blog, Kerby works in intricately detailed black and white line to create creatures, characters, patterns, and tiny elements to form compositions of mind-boggling complexity. Bring your creativity to complete the breath-taking drawings and find hidden treasures and creatures scattered throughout its pages Order on Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Imagimorphia Coloring Book by Kerby Rosanes
Fans of adult coloring books are invited to enter the weird and wonderful world of Kerby Rosanes, the illustrator behind the Sketchy Stories blog and Animorphia, the international phenomenon and New York Times bestseller. In Imagimorphia, animals, and objects morph and explode into astounding detail. Bring each intricate image to life with color and find the objects hidden throughout the book.
Printed on quality paper, Imagimorphia is a quirky coloring and search book for fans of adult coloring books like no other.
Dad Life – A Manly Adult Coloring Book
Color in funny things that EVERYONE’s Dad says to them. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
ColorArt Coloring Book – Real Men Color
This book is spiral bound 8 1/2 x 11 pages with over 100 images to color in. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The Art of the Cigar: Vintage Labels Coloring Book
Based on the gorgeous lithographs of cigar box labels from years gone by. Each of the 40 stunning labels is pre-1920 with elegant designs that wrap you in the nostalgia of an age when life was simpler and people knew how to enjoy the moment. The pages in this book are one-sided and professionally published by Vintage Pen Press. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Oldtimer Grayscale Adult Coloring Book for Men
This book includes 43 Oldtimer Images of Vintage Rustic Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Tools, Motorcycles and other Things for Men to Color. Creator Timothy Parks has his images printed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper printed only on one side. He has penned a few other coloring books with similar themes but this one has the best reviews. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Die Hard Coloring Book
If you live in a house where Die Hard IS a Christmas movie tradition, then this coloring book is for you. All your favorite scenes and quotes are in this official Die Hard coloring and activity book. This coloring book from Harper Design is excellent quality. I received a sample of it from the publisher and it is Coloring Book Addict approved!
- Hans Gruber and his posse crash the Christmas party at Nakatomi and take the tower hostage;
- John McClane’s limo ride with Argyle;
- The tension-filled crawl through the building vents;
- John’s morbid message delivery to Hans (written on the corpse of one of Hans’ men);
- The famous bloody footprints;
- And of course, John leaping off the Nakatomi tower.
The Book of Beasts
A friend of mine in Scotland (Kemberlee) ordered this book in the UK and she couldn’t stop gushing about how fabulous it was. It’s got a hardcover with fabulous paper and amazing illustrations of Dragons of all sorts. Filled with mythical monsters from around the world, The Book of Beasts will take young readers on an epic coloring quest through ancient lands and lore. As they fill in the pages, children will encounter creatures from Aboriginal, African, Mesoamerican, Greek, Roman, Indian, Norse, Chinese, and Japanese tales. On the back of each page, kids will find background on the beasts in the book.
Click to ORDER Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Full Metal Coloring – A Book of Down Range Reflection
Along with the pages to color, you’ll find some historical background of the firearms and guns on each of the pages which were written by a competitive shooter and veteran who is also the artist. I have a copy of this book from the artist and have gifted it to the gun enthusiast in my life. Its original art on decent paper. As always use a sheet between your pages to avoid bleed-through and pressure marks.
Click to Order Amazon US
Colour my Sketchbook – DRAGONS by Bennett Klein
Bennett Klein’s style is intensely detailed tattoo inked line art.

The colored in dragons on this cover were done by members of his Facebook page linked here.
Click to order Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada
This is just one of the Bennett Klein Books, explore the rest here.
Tattoo Art Coloring Books for Men
The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete
I received this book from the publisher and was quite pleased with the variety of images contained inside. There is a lot to choose from but most do have a Hispanic, Chicano, Mexican flavor to them. There are lots of the Virgin Mary as well as Sugar Skulls which make sense culturally. There’s even a sugar skull Virgin Mary to color in. As a colorist, most weren’t super detailed so if you prefer that sort of coloring book this one probably won’t be your cup of tea, but if you like to add your own patterning or are learning and practicing shading and contouring this book is perfect. Click to Order Amazon US UK or Canada
Kitchen Overlord’s Colorable Compendium of Geek History: An Adult Coloring Book and Companion to the Illustrated Geek Cookbook
I haven’t seen this one in person, but its on my list and from the reviews, it looks fun. “The creators of Kitchen Overlord’s Illustrated Geek Cookbook invite you to color along with 120 years of geek history!
Start with H.G. Wells Time Machine in 1885 and bring the black and white pages to life as the world grows geekier with every decade.
See Cthulhu rise in 1928, color Captain America in 1941, leave the Shire for Mordor in 1954, boldly go on a five-year mission starting in 1966, finally learn what “inconceivable” means in 1973, fight Zuul and Gozer in 1984, help the Scooby gang protect Sunnydale in 1997, become a Big Damn Hero in 2002, and help Ichabod Crane become a modern man in 2012.
You get over 50 fun illustrations representing your favorite books, comics, movies, TV, and games – arranged chronologically so you can see how geekdom has evolved over more than a century.”
Military Coloring Books for Men
The first thing to do is figure out hobbies and things that the man in your life is into.. my dad loves airplanes and was in the USAF so that was my first search. I found these two: Airplanes of the Second World War and Jet Fighters. Both are Dover Coloring Books so the price point is right.
If you like freebies check out the free coloring page and book excepts from Dover too.
Other Military Coloring Books for Men include:
Many of these military books also work if your guy is a history buff.
American Muscle Cars Coloring Books for Men
Expertly rendered illustrations of fast, flashy, and powerful sports cars, among them the 1962 Ford Thunderbird, 1964 Corvette Stingray, 1968 Chevy Impala SS427, 1969 Camaro Z-28, 1970 Ford Torino Fastback, 1971 Mustang Boss 351, 1974 Firebird Trans-Am, and 37 others. For coloring book enthusiasts and “muscle car” fans.
Click here to Order American Muscle Cars Coloring Book
There’s also Classic Cars of the 50’s Coloring Book
Luxury Cars Coloring Book
Sports Cars Coloring Book &
History of Trucks
Motorcycles Coloring Book – This collection chronicles over 100 years of motorcycle history with illustrations of 45 accurately detailed models, including Gottlieb Daimler Motor Bicycle (1885), 1913 Royal Enfield, 1947 Indian “Chief,” 1966 BSA A65 Lightning, and the Honda ES21 Future Motorcycle Concept Prototype.
Dover Books has a great selection of History Coloring Books
Looking for a great historical coloring book? Dover can help you add color to some of the most remarkable events in history! From dinosaurs, the Old West, the Civil War, Native Americans, the space race, American presidents and first ladies to vintage automobiles and trains, castles and cathedrals, famous explorers and inventors, historic architecture like Famous Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright and landmarks. Black history coloring books feature authentic illustrations about the Underground Railroad, the Amistad, Barack Obama, and more. Each edition offers beautifully detailed illustrations and fact-filled captions.
Click here to see the full selection.
The Bicycle Coloring Book
This book blew me away when I started seeing colored in pictures from it. It is filled with cityscapes and countryside illustrations that feature a bike and a cat. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. The paper is fabulous art quality and the illustrations are one-sided with a center fold-out section for a large poster-sized creation. On the facing side of the page is an illustration of the same cat you see in each picture (sometimes you have to hunt to find him) but what’s really cool about the cat is that when you flip the pages he animates. This will for sure bring you back to your school days when you used to make flipbooks. If you are a bicycle enthusiast or the man in your life is, you can’t go wrong with this coloring book. It’s 8.2 x 0.8 x 10.8 inches and has 144 pages. Click to order Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Amazon Canada
100 Animals by Jade Summer
An Adult Coloring Book with Lions, Elephants, Owls, Horses, Dogs, Cats and more. 100 images printed on one side of the page. Click to Order Amazon US, UK & Canada
Ill-Gotten Brain Coloring Books by Chris Guest
I wanted to add a couple of books from a new illustrator that I know guys will love. Thanks to one of my coloring group, Shawn B. for the heads up about his fun books! Meet Chris Guest aka IllGottenBrain. He has 2 books out, Beyond the Fairytale Forest and Monsters Eat Everything that you are sure to enjoy.
His books remind me of Steve Squidoodle’s illustrations too.. fun and funky, check his work out here.
Walking Dead Coloring Book
This book is done in a graphic novel style so LOTS of black and background details so it’s along the lines of a grayscale coloring book. The illustrations are from the Walking Dead graphic novels and it’s very detailed. We are hoping they come out with another that follows the TV show a bit more but if you know a Walking Dead addict, this might be a perfect gift. Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Steampunk Devices
Dudes love to tinker with gadgets so this Steampunk Devices would be a great choice for the artsy guy on your shopping list. Click to order Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada
We explore lots more Steampunk and Science Fiction options for guys here.
Intricate Ink – Animals in Detail

After seeing colorings from this book on Instagram I purchased it on Amazon. It’s a greyscale book that makes your colorings really come to life. It’s a hardbound book that opens at the top so great for left-handed colorists too. Click to Purchase Amazon US
Lost Ocean by Johanna Basford

Although Johanna Basford is known for her pretty flowers and delicate leaves, guys can fall a little in love with her illustrations in her third Inky book, “Lost Ocean”
Visit coral reefs and barnacle-studded shipwrecks, and discover intricate shells and pirate treasure. Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest fans and newcomers alike will welcome this creative journey into an inky new world. Click here to order Lost Ocean Amazon US Amazon Canada Amazon UK
Bugs & Creepy Crawling Coloring Books for Men
Maybe your grown guys still have that little boy in them that loves spiders and snakes… There are some choices for them too.
Check out this Complicated Spiders Coloring Book… This unique coloring book is 8 inches wide x 9 inches high, it has 25 different illustrations of intricately adorned spiders; each illustration is printed in the book twice, one on a black background and the same illustration on a white background with light gray lines. Lots of spider and insect book here too.
Fantasy and Dragon Coloring Books For Men
Funny Coloring Books
Coloring for Grown-Ups: The Adult Activity Book
Electile Disfunction – The Story of the 2016 Presidential Election Coloring Book
You can see more Political Coloring Books here.
Unicorns Are Jerks: a coloring book exposing the cold, hard, sparkly truth
Coloring for Grown-ups – Holiday Fun Book
There are more here of the more “R” rated versions as well.
See a large listing of our favorite funny naughty & sexy coloring books here.

Steve MacDonald’s Cityscapes book “Fantastic Cities“ will also appeal to the guys our there with a book where no flowers or fairies are anywhere to be seen. Steve McDonald applies his unique photo-based approach to create beautiful, detailed line drawings of amazing buildings and other structures from around the world in Fantastic Structures and his third book includes simpler designs in Fantastic Collections,
Assassins Creed Coloring Book
Steve Squidoodle has a fantastic following on Facebook which is where I discovered him. Like Bennett Klein, he is always giving away freebies on his fan page. Learn more about Steve Turner the illustrator here.

Squidoodle’s Book of Fancy Letters – Click to Order
All 26 letters of the alphabet, on single side pages with doodles items to color in. Taken from the intricate hand-drawn pen drawings of Steve Turner a.k.a Squidoodle. Each letter is detailed and ornate, with doodled items beginning with that letter.
Each letter sits centrally on the page, away from the spine – you can cut the letters out, color them and give them as gifts to family or friends. All the pages inside this book are taken from the hand-drawn illustrations by Steve Squidoodle Turner. He carefully selected items to be contained in each letter – making it fun for kids and adults alike. The A contains an astronaut, an apple, an aeroplane, an anchor…. The B contains a bee, Big Ben, a beetle, balloons…. you get the idea!!
Squidoodle’s Book of Fancy Letters: An Adult Coloring Book – Click to Order
A Day at the Beach by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
The Natural Atlas by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
Creative Insults for Foul-Mouthed Beasts – A UK Sweary Coloring Book by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
- Naughty Sexy Coloring books
- Science Fiction Coloring Books
- Comic Book Coloring Books
- Complicated Coloring
- Coloring Books for History Buffs
- Steve McDonald Books
- Swear Word Coloring Books
- Coloring Across America
- One-Sided Coloring Books
- TV Show Coloring Books
I STRONGLY recommend downloading the Michaels App to your smartphone. That way you always have the coupons with you. I ALWAYS forget the coupons at home or in the other car or the other purse.. you get me.. right?
Have the men on your list enjoyed coloring books I haven’t listed here? Please let me know in the comments below or on one of my social media accounts.
Great Article about mens coloring books and So many coloring books to choose. Thanks for the great write up.
Although I know this was geared as an article written near Father’s Day, I (a 23 yr old woman) have many of these titles on my wishlist. I understand the perspective of the article and its purpose but really epic fantasy coloring books, somewhat rude humor, comic book characters, I hope it’s not news to people that women are fans of those things too.
I’m really happy to have found your site. I strangely hadn’t come across it in my previous years that I could have used your recommendations, especially for art supplies. Thanks for all you do. I have far too long an Amazon wishlist now.
Absolutely agree, many of these are attractive to all genders for sure. We just like to pull together a collection we think the Men folk will like that maybe gift buyers hadn’t thought of. We have several men in our coloring club locally and most prefer things other than flowers and ladies in hats. 🙂