My absolute favorite place to color is hanging out with my family, both human and furry watching my favorite TV show, and coloring. “Watching” TV may be a stretch. I listen to TV and glance up to see the most interesting parts. Sometimes I annoy the hubby a bit by making him rewind something so I can WATCH it with my eyes but still, it’s a great way to multitask. This is why I have to have portable storage for my coloring. I tend to take it everywhere.
During Quarantine times, really TV & Coloring are what have kept me sane!
Coloring Books Based on TV Shows
The latest trend in Adult Coloring Books is having books that depict your favorite TV shows.
If you haven’t binge-watched Schitt’s Creek yet.. well go do it right now! The show is hilarious, you laugh, you cry, you shake your head.
Schitt’s Creek Coloring Book
Another Schitt’s Creek because.. well I’m addicted! EWWW, David!
Schitt’s Creek Coloring Book
Honestly, who hasn’t binge-watched Friends during COVID? The Thanksgiving episodes are always my favorites.
Criminal Minds Coloring Book
Unofficial Friends Coloring Book for Adults
This book has lots of iconic scenes with Rachel, Ross, Phoebe, Joey & Chandler you will know immediately! Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Friends Word Search, Trivia & Jumbles
From the Disney Group, the Golden Girls has also made a resurgence in popularity for those of us looking for a good dose of fun & feminism.
Golden Girls Coloring Book
American Gods TV Show: The Official Coloring Book
Neil Gaiman’s book “American Gods” was brought to life by illustrators Yvonne Gilbert, Jon Proctor, and Craig Phillips. Explore the imagery of the gods and people, places, and artifacts in forty-six illustrations. We were excited to see our favorite character/actor from 100 who was killed off last season as one of the Gods. Click to Order Amazon US Canada
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Coloring Book
Another Joss Whedon megahit TV show, this book contains forty-five intricately-detailed original illustrations ready for you
Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
The Outlander Coloring Book – Based on the best-selling novel and Starz series
The perfect gift for fans of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander novels and the Starz original series about to start up again for another season. I really enjoy these books on tape too, if you find the books too long to read and you are in your car a bunch it’s a great option. They are just as “R” “NC-17” rated as the TV show so probably best for AFTER you drop the kids off at school. I borrow them from the library for free.
Click to ORDER Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Orphan Black TV Show Coloring Book
I haven’t started watching this show but I know my grown daughters are big fans.
Downton Abbey Coloring Book
Maybe this will help my depression over this show is over, there is hope with rumors about a Downton Movie, time will tell. The clothing and decor from this period of history is so amazing, making this new book something you’ll want to check out. CLICK to ORDER AMAZON – US – UK – Canada
Doctor Who Coloring Book
96 pages to color, plus all the best quotes from the beloved TV show, this out-of-this-world adult coloring book is perfect for any creative Doctor Who fan. This book has nice thick paper and is in the popular square page style.
Click to ORDER Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Doctor Who Travels in Time Coloring Book
You will travel with the Doctor through time with original illustrations featuring Churchill, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Dickens, Madame de Pompadour and more. Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK Amazon Canada
Dr. Who Dot to Dot book: Join the dots across time and space
Newly released the HBO Authorized Game of Thrones Coloring Book
This new version of HBO’s Game of Thrones is absolutely gorgeous! You can see my flip thru here on Instagram. The paper is very nice with a portrait of all of your favorite characters from the TV show along with battle scenes exactly as you remember them from your TV obsession. The book is printed on both sides of the paper which is nice and thick. You’ll see in the reviews that some of the designs do go into the center of the double-page spread which is unfortunate, however, there are dozens of gorgeous illustrations that don’t do that. With 60 pages to choose from, you’ll find some favorites to color in.
Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK Amazon Canada
The Official A Game of Thrones Coloring Book (A Song of Ice and Fire)
The perfect gift for fans of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire and HBO’s Game of Thrones, this one-of-a-kind adult coloring book features forty-five exclusive illustrations!
Dozens of stunning original black-and-white illustrations from world-renowned illustrators Yvonne Gilbert, John Howe, Tomislav Tomić, Adam Stower, and Levi Pinfold, this unique collector’s item expands the reach of an international phenomenon with flying colors.
Click to ORDER Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Walking Dead Coloring Book
This book is done as a graphic novel style so LOTS of black and background details so it’s along the lines of a grayscale coloring book. The illustrations are from the Walking Dead graphic novels and it’s very detailed. We are hoping they come out with another that follows the TV show a bit more but if you know a Walking Dead addict, this might be a perfect gift.
Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Sherlock Holmes Coloring Book
A vital clue from each episode of the BBC TV Show Sherlock Holmes is hidden within the original black and white illustrations, and only by completing the scene can they be found. Fill Sherlock’s world with color and find the secrets hidden within The Mind Palace.
Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
The Super Natural Official Coloring Book
Based on WB’s hit show Supernatural, this deluxe coloring book features line art and patterns inspired by Dean, Sam, Castiel, and the monsters that they hunt.
Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Coloring Book
Another Joss Whedon megahit TV show, this book contains forty-five intricately-detailed original illustrations ready for you Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Serenity Firefly Coloring Book
There’s a rumor that this TV show might come back! My guess is due to all the references it gets from my favorite nerdy characters on Big Bang Theory. Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Science Fiction at its finest – Star Trek Coloring Books are coming
Star Trek The Original Series Coloring Book Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Star Trek: The Next Generation Coloring Book
Jean-Luc Picard is arguably everyone’s favorite Starfleet captain so take a colorful journey with Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D with the Star Trek: The Next Generation Coloring Book Click to order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
hi! I also color while my husband watches TV. I know that if liked to color he would love these coloring books. He is not into it. I would love to see your portable storage, as I am in the market to purchase something for my stack of coloring books and assorted pens and pencils I’ve accumulated!
I really like these pencil rolls! https://coloringbookaddict.com/how-to-organize-coloring-supplies/ I keep the cool colors in one and the warm colors in another for my big sets. I have my polychromos in that derwent canvas bag and then I use the cute striped one for my other things like gel pens, erasers sharpeners and extra pencils. I have also gotten a couple Vera Bradley bags with all sorts of pockets inside at the Salvation Army store and those are nice to stash my pencil rolls and a couple of books.
My husband isn’t artistic AT ALL, I did get him to go to a painting and wine night with friends and he seemed to enjoy it so don’t give up hope. He might like a dot to dot book or one of the sticker coloring books. We have a couple of men that come to our coloring nights that like those.
Can you make one for the heroes tv series? It ran four 4 seasons. Zach quinto adrian pasadar milo ventilmigo.
That series. Any time i look up heroes coloring books i find marvel which is not at all what im looking for!