The Adult Coloring Book phenomenon has brought to the forefront the need for grownups to have something to do as a hobby that gets us unplugged from social media, paper and drawing utensil in hand and doing something using the creative sides of our brains. I am just loving all of the unique ideas that are coming out for ways to use your coloring skills in different ways and open yourself up to other ideas for pastimes. I call Coloring Books my gateway drug to Art Journaling and Mixed Media art. All these colored pencils, markers, pastels etc. have a second life now inside my art journals and other mixed media art pieces. I even used some coloring pages and decoupaged a big box to store what else… more art supplies.
Adult Activity Books including drawing, art, puzzles and more to keep your mind and hands busy.
My Favorite Mixed Media Art Journaling Teachers include Tamara Laporte who runs two online classes each year “Life Book” & “Ever After” as well as dozens of stand-alone online art classes. Jane Davenport is a fun and inspirational teacher with a completely different style than Tamara but oh so fabulous to learn. She recently ran a fun journal prompt project for the Month of May using hashtag #MerMaywithJaneD the was exclusively mermaids. It was so much fun.
She has come out with three books so far and I really can NOT talk enough about how amazing each of them are.
Drawing & Painting BEAUTIFUL FACES by Jane Davenport
This was Jane’s first drawing lesson type book and you can just go through it and learn to draw her style of whimsical faces from large to small, turned faces, hairstyles, you name it. She also has an online class that shows you step by step with the fun and fabulous Jane teaching you everything plus more than what is in the book. I really love taking this book and a sketchbook and pencil with me to completely unplug from the internet. Click to order Beautiful Faces on Amazon US, UK or Canada
One is a Jane Davenport style adult coloring book! WHAT? I think I have been waiting for that my whole life without knowing it.
Fabulous Figures – I ♥ Heart Drawing
The second new book is a companion to her art course I Heart Drawing and teaches you how to draw Fabulous Figures using her uber unicorn mermaid filled secret ways. I am actually just starting this online course and will be super excited to have a written reference as well.
I really can’t believe the beautiful figures I’ve already learned to draw on my own just in the first 10 or so pages, I go slow because I don’t want to miss any of the awesomeness that Jane has to offer. You can see my mixed media artwork on my artsy Instagram account here @ChristineFaithArt
Click to order on US, UK & Canada
Marvelous Mermaids (I Heart Drawing)
Jane Davenport is known for her whimsical mermaids and this is the third book in her series of “I Heart Drawing” always making drawing and art journaling fun. I have pre-ordered this and can’t wait for it to ship! Remember when you pre-order on Amazon you are guaranteed to be charged whatever the lowest price is from the time you order until the day it ships. Click to Order US, UK or Canada
Imagine Out Loud: A Journal of Creative Discovery
Imagine Out Loud combines famed artist Jane Davenport’s inspirational artwork, trademark “Jane-isms,” and quotations with compelling journaling prompts. Readers will be moved to write, make lists, doodle, and draw. Designed to encourage introspection and self-discovery, Imagine Out Loud will be a constant companion in the search for creative and personal fulfillment. This book is a smaller format, perfect for tucking into your bag and is flexibound so it lays flat to write in. Click to Order US, UK or Canada
Whimsical Girls (Happy Hour Art Journal)
Whimsical Girls will be filled with Jane’s signature-style figures, faces, and fanciful drawings to color and customize on four types of high-quality paper—coloring, marker, watercolor, and kraft paper! Can you even imagine? Davenpeeps know that Jane will have bonus stickers and goodies for us too. I just can’t wait! Click here to order in the US UK & Canada.
So beautiful.. like a stroll through one of Jane Davenports art journals just for you.
She calls this a happy hour art journal and indeed it is! I’ve already spent at least an hour just pouring over the amazing art that is JANE! Things to color in with any art supplies you’d like because the paper is fabulous, there is marker paper, kraft paper, just so gorgeous.
All of Janes online art workshops are listed on her website at JaneDavenport.com
Want to start with something a little simpler to get warmed up? We received this fun book from Harper Collins Publishing called Drawing Figures for the Artistically Challenged. It’s super cute and you can see my flip through and review here. Written by John Bigwood and published by Harper Collins.
Stay tuned for more adult activity books, I have a few waiting to be videoed including quite a few Watercolor Coloring Books.
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