Most of the “Sexy” Coloring books are geared towards guys and not what I’d call sex-positive or feminist affirming, so I did some research to bring the ladies and queer community a selection of lady bits to color in. Whatever you like to call your parts, Vagina, VJJ, Vulva, Yoni, it’s covered.
It’s interesting to me that most of these coloring books call themselves Vagina Coloring books when in fact they are Vulva coloring books. An important distinction I think. If you haven’t yet watched Principles of Pleasure on Netflix, let me invite you now. I learned things I never knew before and you will too.
Vulva Coloring Books
The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book
This book demystifies gender and pleasantly confuses your assumptions as you are drawn into its mesmerizing bricolage of patterns, folds, and whorls. Color away the false binaries between male and female, words and text, inside and outside, art and nature. Click to Order Amazon US, UK, Europe, Canada or Mexico
The Yoni Coloring Book – For your Inner and Outer Goddess
Yoni Definition from Webster: a stylized representation of the female genitalia that in Hinduism is a sign of generative power and that symbolizes the goddess Shakti. (Sanskrit: “abode,” “source,” “womb,” or “vagina”) in Hinduism, the symbol of the goddess Shakti, the feminine generative power and, as a goddess, the consort of Shiva. In Shaivism, the branch of Hinduism devoted to worship of the god Shiva, the yoni is often associated with the lingam, which is Shiva’s symbol.
22 different hand-drawn designs printed on one side only by artist H.L. Brooks. This coloring book celebrates the yoni both as a symbol of womanhood and also as a highly individual form—unique to every woman and each beautiful in her own way.

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Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to mean the “womb”, the “source”, and the female organs of generation.
Yoni Coloring Book – Click to purchase for an instant download

Vagina Coloring Books
Several varieties of VJJ pictures are available from Etsy artists.
These all remind me of that episode of Sex & the City where the artist paints Charlotte’s Vulva.
Viva La Vulva

Sex Positive Coloring Books from Heather Edwards
Heather is a pelvic Physical Therapist and the University of Michigan-trained Sexuality Counselor and Educator. She conducts research and outreach projects in the LGBT, trans/nonbinary, and kink communities. She is the founder and host of Vino & Vulvas, an Asheville-based sexuality event that connects sexual health practitioners with the public in the form of taboo discussions in public places. Vino & Vulvas provides the perfect excuse to justify her somewhat odd fascination with drawing fantastical genitals. When you talk about sex for a living, you’ve gotta have some diagrams. They might as well be interesting!
Important Parts: A Coloring Book for the Crotch Enthusiast
From Heather – I empower you at the beginning to learn about the parts that you’ll be coloring with suggestions for standard anatomical terms, and then terms that are less common but still legit – but gender neutral. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The Inside Story: Another Coloring Book for the Crotch Enthusiast
From illustrator & sex counselor Heather Edwards. “In addition to body parts, this time I included devices that folx use to modify how their bodies function. Like before, the first few pages are educational so you can better understand what you’re coloring. I also added descriptions at the end to explain what each image could portray along with an “Anatomy Geek Out” appendix.I hope that if, perhaps, you’ve had a challenging relationship with your own anatomy, this book will lead you toward a place that feels a little safer and a little happier.”
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Imagination: A Coloring Book for the Curious Crotch Enthusiast
Know that you can envision yourself and your body in ways that don’t necessarily “check a box,” and that’s just fine. Your partner in sex-positive curiosity and gender-inclusive anatomy, Heather Edwards, PT, CSC.
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Heather Edwards has also written a sex-positive book. Finding VaJoyJoy: An illustrated story about a nonbinary vulva’s self-discovery
The Vagina Coloring Book: A Very Vulvacious Coloring Book for Adults!

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Vajayjays: A Fertile Crescent Coloring Book for Adults
Even more VJJ Coloring Books on Etsy Here.
Sexual Anatomy Coloring Book : 30-Page PDF

Click to Download & Print Order in Print on Amazon here
Instant download Vagina Coloring Page on Etsy

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