Swear Word Coloring Books seem to be VERY popular right now. There are some horrible ones.. and by that, I mean for coloring.. bad paper, boring designs etc. The ones below all got decent ratings from hundreds of colorists so they should meet your cursing and coloring needs.
Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while embracing the therapeutic experience of swearing like a sailor.
Swear Word Coloring Books for Adults
Sassy Sayings, Snarky Sarcasm and Saucy Swears
This book makes a perfect gift for your foul-mouthed friends or family. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Work Sucks!: An Adult Coloring Book to Relieve Work Stress:
Volume 1 of Humorous Coloring Books Series by Mark Thompson a new player to the funny coloring book game. This one is all about work with sayings about the office, perfect to slip into your drawer for break time or leave it in the break room for your office mates. Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
You Can’t Fix Stupid – Swear Word Coloring Book
Have a Nice Life A**Hole
Make Life your B*tch Coloring Book
A Must-Have Coloring book for every breakup! Funny lines like “I Faked it Every Time” and “Lying through your teeth isn’t flossing” and more. Feel better soon as you fill in things you SHOULD have said to that jerk. All pages are one-sided so you can use markers, colored pencils or gel pens. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Peace, Love & F*cking Happiness: An Irreverently Positive Adult Coloring Book
Another from Sasha O’Hara’s line of Irreverant Coloring Books. It contains 35 one-sided pictures to color your frustrations away.
Fresh out of F*cks Swear Word Adult Coloring Book
An Irreverent & Hilarious Antistress Sweary adult colouring gift featuring funny sayings for mindful meditation & stress relief from Honey Badger Coloring.
Hanna Canner has 4 more Swear Word Coloring Books with fabulous reviews on them including:
The Swear Word Coloring Book for Prudes!
This coloring book contains a hilarious collection of the finest swear words and uncouth sayings―all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Each pattern is printed on sturdy, tear-out pages perfect for framing, gift-giving, and home decorating. With more than 60 pages of picturesque profanity, like”Poppycock”, “Jeez Louise” & “Dad Gummit”. Unlike some of the Sweary coloring books, the phrases in this one are probably things you heard your Mom say.
-62 original pieces of artwork to color and enjoy
-Perforated pages for easy framing
-One-sided printing so colors don’t bleed through
-Instant stress relief and humor
Mommy Drinks Because You Cry: A Sarcastic Coloring Book

Chill the F*ck Out: A Swear Word Coloring Book
Color Me F*cking Calm: Swear Words to Color
F*ck Off! This is MY Coloring Book: The Very F*cking Best of John T
This book contains a few Coronavirus references as well as his usually snarky cussy fun. Click to Order Amazon US, Europe, UK, or Canada
Adult Swear Word Coloring Book
50 Shades of Bullshit – Dark Edition
This coloring book is printed with a black background so the colors really pop and your picture looks more finished without a lot of effort or wearing out your black Pitt Pen. Click to order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Cuss Word Coloring by Sasha O’Hara
Cheer the F* Up by Sasha O’Hara
Sasha’s coloring books tend to be less graphic than some I’ve seen so for me are more enjoyable because I like to share my coloring and I’m not comfortable sharing certain words on social media. Don’t get me wrong.. it’s a cuss word coloring book but also tends to be more humorous versus vulgar. Let us know what you think via social media. Click to Order AMAZON US, UK, Canada, Europe.
This is the first Swear Word Coloring book I’ve colored in and thought it had some nice designs, as the reviews we have read through on Amazon, the print in this book was inconsistent, some of the lines were faded and the first picture I colored in using Tombow Brush Markers and the paper did disintegrate so I recommend NOT using artist grade markers and stick to colored pencils or more of a fine tipped marker like the Staedtlers.
Sasha O’Hara was our top-selling Curse Word Coloring Book artist last year so apparently, everyone loves her books! Here is a list of Sasha’s Irreverent Adult Coloring Books
Creative Insults for Foul-Mouthed Beasts – A UK Sweary Coloring Book by Squidoodle – Steve Turner

Swear Word Coloring Books for people who hate their jobs! That’s a fun concept for sure.
I F**ing Quit! A Color Your resignation letter Swear Word Book
Do your Job and your Boss sucks! How about your coworkers? Can’t stand to smile for another obnoxious ungrateful customer? Rid yourself of the job blues by coloring in the fantasy phrases you wish you could say.
Political Swear Word Coloring Books for Adults
FU** Trump Cuss Word Coloring Book for Adults
Still upset about the election.. this might help.
We Shall Overcome! How To Survive the Presidency of the Angry Cheeto
Another Anti-Trump Coloring Book for Adults to try to color away the anger of the election with some hilarious notions to color in like
- Love Trumps Hate
- This Pussy has Claws
- Impeachment Watch
- Resist the Furor
- Power to the People
- We Shall Overcomb
- Stay Woke
- Real Men Are Feminists
- Grab Him By His (tiny) Balls
Swear Word Coloring Book for Parents
Unleash your Inner Parent in this coloring book designed to de-stress the haggard parental units. Filled with words and phrases you would never say to your child but are thinking in your head.
Swear Word Coloring Book: The Jungle Adult Coloring Book featured with Sweary Words & Animals
Greetings! *sshole
Swear Word Adult Coloring Book –
- Dozens of inappropriate swear words imaginable Coloring Pages designed for Adults
- Each Swear word is Designed with cats, dogs, butterflies patterns
- The Variety of Pages Ensure there is something for every skill level
- Your Choice of coloring tool can be used (Pens, Pencils, Markers, Crayons etc)
- Click here to purchase
Swear Word Coloring Book: An Adult Coloring Book of 40 Hilarious, Rude, and Funny Swearing and Cursing Designs
This coloring book has lots of UK curse words and phrases in it which for some reason always sound much more cultured that phrases the Yanks like to say…. for instance Knob Goblin. I’ve no idea what that means but it sounds funny.
Angry Sweary Cats Coloring Book for Adults
Cats with potty mouths entertain you in this fun de-stressing book for cat lovers.
Cursing Cats: A Very Sweary Coloring Book for Adults Only
This was the best review on Amazon. “You really want to relieve stress while coloring well then just open this book and start cussing and coloring away with these very naughty kitties…..You get 24 designs of cats spelling out the actual curse word with expressions on their face to die for……Their little faces actually looked Surprised or in Shock while their bodies bend in all different positions to spell out bad words……The designs cover the entire page….
They are printed on one side of the page…..On very thin white paper because cats just don’t care enough about where they go. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Memo’s to Shitty People: A Delightful & Vulgar Adult Coloring Book
Do you have a terrible, incompetent neighbor?
- Does your annoying coworker never shut up?
- Do you have to deal with shitty people every day?
- Are you trying to find a unique novelty gift for your best friend?
Sometimes, you just need to SWEAR at someone…
Granny Swears Coloring Book
Adult Coloring Book with swear words that Granny would say. “Well Bless Your Little Heart,” or “Son of a Biscuit!” Click to Order Granny Swears Amazon US
Granny Swears Black Edition Coloring Book
Swear Word Colouring Books for Adults
Adult Coloring – Naughty & Nice & More Beautiful Swears
Naughty and Nice & More Beautiful Swears are on the tamer side of the cuss word coloring book world and come in a small square book.
***Sicles – Adult Coloring Book about “pop” sicles
Holiday Swear Word Coloring Books for Adults
The Swearing Elf – A Coloring Adventure for Adults
Happy f*cking Holidays: An Irreverent Christmas Adult Coloring Book
These books honestly aren’t my thing but I received this book from Sasha O’Hara a few days ago and I am enjoying it. Christmas does bring out the worst in some people and this page mostly has cute/naughty pages in it. My first one to color was “Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle” with the new gel pens I was reviewing (enjoyed both) and then the “BITE ME” gingerbread man. My next page will be the cocktails page with “Holiday Survival Kit”.
Click to Order Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada
Bah F***ing Humbug Release Your Inner Scrooge
Click to Order US Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon
If you are looking for sexy adult coloring books, you will find many of those listed here!
This list goes on and on.. please note that while these books are a fun way to blow off steam most of them that I have seen in person aren’t the greatest quality printing or paper so don’t expect artist-quality paper.. these are mostly just for fun. If YOU Have created one that you think is above average, please send me a copy to review.
I STRONGLY recommend downloading the Michaels App to your smartphone. That way you always have the coupons with you. Being the clumsy person I am.. I ALWAY forget the coupons at home or in the other car or the other purse.. you get me, Right?
If you are new to coloring or just want to dive in a little deeper be sure to read our expansive supply recommendations along with our tips and tricks articles.
*How to Get Started with Adult Coloring Best Colored Pencils
*Best Gel Pens
*Best Markers that Don’t Bleed Through the Paper
* Background Supplies
*Coloring Tutorials
*13 Tips & Tricks for Colorists
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