Jane Davenport is probably the most famous to me for her mixed media beautiful whimsical ladies.
Just as I discovered her book “Beautiful Faces,” she launched an entire line of mixed media art supplies exclusively for Michael’s including washi tape, art journals, acrylic and watercolor paint, magical mermaid markers and so much more. I am really enjoying working through this book. Just get a pencil and a journal and by the end of the book, you’ll be drawing faces and figures that at least resemble Jane’s beauties.
Click to order Beautiful Faces on Amazon US, UK or Canada Spain
You can find the best selection of Jane’s one-of-a-kind art supplies in the US at Joggles & Scrapbook.com and a VERY limited supply on Amazon
One is a Jane Davenport-style adult coloring book! WHAT? I think I have been waiting for that my whole life without knowing it.
Whimsical Girls (Happy Hour Art Journal)
Whimsical Girls will be filled with Jane’s signature-style figures, faces, and fanciful drawings to color and customize on four types of high-quality paper—coloring, marker, watercolor, and kraft paper! Can you even imagine? Davenpeeps know that Jane will have bonus stickers and goodies for us too. I just can’t wait! Click here to order on Amazon in the US UK & Canada. Spain
My Review on Amazon
So beautiful.. like a stroll through one of Jane Davenport’s art journals just for you.
OH MY GAWD! I really don’t understand how Jane Davenport keeps coming up with the most amazing art books. I’ve now looked through it a dozen times and I think I see something new each time. The biggest problem with it for me will be that I don’t want to ruin any of Jane’s amazing artwork by actually marking it myself so the only way to get past that will probably be to order a second copy.. oh well! Honestly, so much of her art is in this book, you’ll feel like Jane has sent you a copy of one of the journals you see her working in during the online workshops. If you haven’t signed up for one of those yet you need to ASAP so you can be a part of the Rainbowitis Davenpeep crew. Amazing job as always Jane. Keep them coming! I’m so glad I pre-ordered this early!
Fabulous Figures – I ♥ Heart Drawing
The second new book is a companion to her art course I Heart Drawing and teaches you how to draw Fabulous Figures using her uber unicorn mermaid-filled secret ways. I am actually just starting this online course and will be super excited to have a written reference as well. Click to order on Amazon US, UK & Canada Spain
My Fabulous Figures Review
“I get a little giddy just thinking about how amazing this book is! Not kidding! There is so so much information packed into this book focusing on figure drawing. That sounds pretty dry and boring, right? But not the way Jane Davenport presents it. She breaks things down so you don’t have to spend a fortune at a fancy art school in Paris because Jane already did that and now she’s sharing her vast amount of knowledge with you. She starts with basics but then gets right down into the details that most classes just never get to. How to draw feet & hands, how to draw a figure that’s twisting, and how to draw different body types. If you’ve never taken one of Janes’s online art courses I encourage you to join in with the class that will accompany this book. She’ll be presenting it “live” and after having done the live Supplies me class for the last month, I’m hooked. I’d also recommend her beautiful faces book. Join the Jane Davenport FB group to see what people are already creating! We love you, Jane!! ~ Chrissy “
She also started a class called Folkloric Fabulous Figures to accompany the book. I’m IN for this one. Click here to join in and explore the world of the Davenpeeps.
Jane Davenport Mixed Media Art Online Courses
- All Workshops
- FREE JDMM Workshop!
- Draw Happy – If you have never drawn before and have been heard to say to people “I can’t Draw” then this is a must-take beginners course.
- Supplies Me – Jane walks through every mixed media art supply with tips & tricks along with her brand preferences and why along with dozens of art lessons thrown in. Really an invaluable lesson for me.
- Beautiful Faces – Follows along with the book but dives in deeply with dozens of lessons, tips & tricks that aren’t in the book.
- Express Yourself– More advanced glass to help you learn to draw expressive faces and figures Jane style.
- Journal de Voyage – Travel Journaling workshop – Become an Escape Artist!
- I Heart Drawing – Figure Drawing + more
- JOYNal – Learn to make a handmade journal and an altered book as well as learn all the fun Jane things that make your art journal.
- Print & Scan – Preparing your art for printing
- Miss Quoted
- Wonderland – Jane is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland so this art journal class is filled with all sorts of lessons on the topic. The Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat and of course Alice.
- Vitamin Sea – This is all about Mermaids & Sea Creatures – I own this class but felt overwhelmed because I still haven’t gotten started with Beautiful Faces or I Heart Drawing. I’ll come back to it so I’ll be ready for Next MerMay. #MermaywithJaneD
- Over The Rainbow – Art Journal class featuring the creatures from the Wizard of Oz.
- Folkloric Fabulous Figures – It’s just now starting but I’ll let you know!
- Whimsical & Wild – Creature Creating Workshop
Jane Davenport Art Supplies at Joggles
Jane Davenport Supplies have been a bit tricky to buy if you don’t live in Australia but Joggles has stepped up and is offering a huge assortment of her wonderful fun and unique art supplies

Where to buy Jane Davenport Mixed Media Art Supplies
The largest selection of Jane Davenport art supplies in the US-Canada market can be found Joggles & Scrapbook.com
There are several sellers of Jane Davenport’s supplies on Etsy here Ebay Here & Scrapbook.com, Michaels, Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon Canada Amazon Spain here. Just know that these are all resellers so your product return ease may vary.
Jane Davenport’s recommendations for her online art classes
Journals – Her favorite journals are the Strathmore Mixed Media or Watercolor Journals with the 500 series papers in them. I was gifted with the largest one for Christmas this year to use for Lifebook they have gorgeous paper for sure.
It comes in a softcover or hardcover but the same grade of paper.
- Strathmore 5.5 x 8″ Mixed Media Journal Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
- Strathmore 5.5 x 8″ Watercolor Journal Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
- Strathmore 8.5 x 11″ Mixed Media Journal Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
- Strathmore 8.5 x 11″ Watercolor Journal Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Where Can I Find Jane Davenport Art Supplies in the US?
Jane’s Mermaid watercolor markers are SO incredibly juicy and after they run out of ink, the brushes can be reloaded with liquid watercolors or used as water brushes. They should be stored upright so they don’t leak. They probably aren’t your best options for your portable journaling.
The color names of all Jane’s products really add to the Rainbowitis Davenpeep mystique. (Don’t worry, just hang around Jane’s fans and you’ll pick up the special lingo. Colors include Seaweed, Siren, Byron Bay, Blue Bottle, Deep Sea, Jellyfish, Starfish, Coral, Beach, Pirate’s Gold, Lobster, and Reef. One word of warning with these, the colors on the caps do not necessarily match the color of the ink, so swatching these pens is uber important.
Click to Order at Scrapbook.com or Amazon US, UK or Canada here
See my flip-through on Instagram here.
This is one of my favorite drawing lessons from the Beautiful Faces book called “Blue Bird.”

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