Adult Coloring Books have made a HUGE resurgence in the US and around the world during the quarantine times as they provide stress relief, distraction, and bringing out your inner child. These books are the top sellers in 2020 and 2021 and 2022 and please GO AWAY!!!!!
Top Selling “I can’t believe we are still at home”Adult Coloring Books.
A perfect gift to send someone so you can color over Zoom!?!?! 3 years ago we wouldn’t have known what Zoom was other than the sound a kid makes when they are playing with their cars… zoom zoom
Quarantine Queens: A Coloring Book for Your Best Social Distancing
Pandemic Christmas Coloring Book
A Funny Relatable Quarantine Pandemic Christmas Coloring Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada, France, Sweden
F*ck Off, Coronavirus, I’m Coloring
Self-Care for the Self-Quarantined, A Humorous Adult Swear Word Coloring Book During COVID-19 Pandemic Click to Order Amazon US, UK Europe or Canada, France
New Guide to Coloring for Coloristas
Colorists want to expand their skills with coloring during this time and this book is a fantastic way to get started! It includes tips, tricks, and techniques for all skill levels! (Design Originals) step-by-step lessons & 100 ready-to-color designs. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada, France
Postcards have been hugely popular for creativity & staying in touch with loved ones.
Johanna has all four of her coloring books available in the postcard size. I find the best supplies to use on Johanna’s cards are the Staedtler Fine Liners or Gel Pens. Her detail is so delicate that it may be hard to get into the tiny spaces with your colored pencils. Markers and Gel Pens are easier for on-the-go coloring anyway as you don’t have to carry a sharpener and eraser.
Enchanted Forest Postcards Lost Ocean Postcards Secret Garden Postcards or Magical Jungle Postcards round out the Johanna Basford Collection.
Quarantine Coloring Book
Snarky sayings about our time at home and coping with this coronavirus mess. I was told to wear a Mask to the shop but everyone else was wearing clothes.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK Or Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, (coming soon) or Italy
Stay The F*ck Home Coloring Book
Quarantine Coloring Book, Motivating Swear Word Coloring Book for Adults: Fucking 50 Inspirational Swearing & Cuss Words
Click to Order Amazon US, Europe, UK,Mexico or Canada
Simple Designs: A Laid Back Coloring Book
This book is perfect colorists of all ages including seniors. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Colorit Mandala Coloring Book
These are one-sided top spiral-bound mandalas to color. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Where’s the F*cking Toilet Paper?
Color Away Pandemic Chaos! Stress-relieving and relaxing coloring pages to help you deal with the craziness of this world Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada o
Color by Number Coloring Books
Several of the Color by Number books are part of the top 20 sellers this year.
Sea Life at Number One
100 Amazing Patterns by Jade Summers
Disney Dreams Collection Thomas Kinkade Studios Disney Princess Coloring Poster Book
This is a HUGE poster-sized book on thick artist-quality paper. It comes with 16 large, 11 x 14 easily removable coloring pages of your favorite classic Disney movies. Released the summer of 2019 and hugely popular ever since. Click to Order Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon Canada
Color Me Calm: 100 Coloring Templates for Meditation and Relaxation
This was one of the first coloring books I purchased for myself. I love the way it lays open and has only one image per side of paper. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Toilet Paper Chaos Adult Coloring Book
Color your way through the craziness of this world. Coloring Mandalas on rolls of toilet paper. You can’t waste the real stuff so this will give you some stress relief Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
I love you MORE than Toilet Paper Coloring Book – Sweden
Brain Games Color by Number Pink
Painterly Days: The Flower Book for Adults

These 25 floral drawings also include several papers with beautifully illustrated quotes.
Click to Order US UK Canada
Johanna Basford’s Books of course remain popular.

You can order this book now on Amazon
Click here to order Lost Ocean from Amazon
From Johanna Basford, the creator of the worldwide bestsellers Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest
, a beautiful new coloring book that takes you on a magical journey beneath the waves “Lost Ocean” is now everywhere.
I think stress relief is one of the biggies this year so it makes sense that those are the most popular. We are excited to be part of the Amazon Affiliate Program with France, Italy, Sweden, and soon Germany.
Quarantine Coloring Books in France.
Quarantine Coloring Books in Italy
Quarantine Coloring Books in Sweden
Quarantine Coloring Books in the UK
Quarantine Coloring Books in Espana
Quarantine Coloring Books in Canada
Quarantine Coloring Books in Germany
If you are new to coloring or just want to dive in a little deeper be sure to read our expansive supply recommendations along with our tips and tricks articles.
*How to Get Started with Adult Coloring Best Colored Pencils
*Best Gel Pens
*Best Markers that Don’t Bleed Through the Paper
* Background Supplies
*Coloring Tutorials
*13 Tips & Tricks for Colorists
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