Dover Publications has come out with a new idea for adult coloring books in their Creative Haven series… color by number. Many new colorists express frustration at the stress caused when trying to decide which are the right colors to color in your picture. These color-by-number books invite you to follow the numbered guide to creating accurate portraits of the illustrated images. Illustrations are printed on one side of the perforated pages for easy removal and display in all of the Creative Haven coloring books.
Color by Number Patterns
This book by Jade Summer is a new take on the color-by-number genre. They have published 3 of this type, all are linked below. Click to Order US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Spain or France
Creative Haven Color By Number Coloring Books for Adults
The link above goes directly to the Dover site and lists all of their Adult Coloring books.
Color by Number Colouring books in the UK and in Canada.
Country Scenes Creative Haven Color By Number
A new artist, George Toufexis illustrated this book Amazon US, UK or Canada
Color by Number Christmas Coloring by George Toufexis
George’s book is filled with traditional Christmas holiday scenes and is secular in nature with things like Santa, Christmas Trees, Stockings by the Fire and Winter Nature scenes. Images are printed on one side of the page and are perforated. These 46 images are designed for experienced colorists. AMAZON US, UK OR CANADA
Butterflies Color By Number
The book contains 46 realistic butterfly and moth illustrations printed one per page (the back of each is blank) on medium-weight, bright-white, perforated paper. It’s always a good idea to use a blank sheet behind your work if you are using markers.
Click to Order Butterflies Color By Number
Birds Color by Number Coloring Book
From waders such as the spoonbill and flamingo to the woodland-dwelling wild turkey and backyard species like the cedar waxwing and the Baltimore oriole, this collection portrays a tremendous variety of birds. All 46 are identified and depicted in their natural habitats. Use the numbered color key to creating perfectly natural pictures. Click to Order
Floral Design Color by Number
Sea Life Color by Number

Sea turtles, coral reef-dwelling fish, dolphins, and other marine creatures swim through these full-page pictures. Colorists can achieve realistic effects and perfect shading with the help of lightly printed numbers that correspond to a simple color key. Pages are perforated and printed on one side only for easy removal and display. The Sea Life book is specially designed for experienced colorists according to Creative Haven. Click to Order Amazon US UK or Canada
Large Print Color By Number for Adults
This book features black background pages making it even easier to color in. Mandalas, flowers, quotes and more grace the pages. A new release from Lily Summers
Mandalas Color by Number
Color by Number Mandalas offers unlimited opportunities for shading and color choices, mandalas can be among the most challenging designs to color. This helpful book offers lightly printed numbers that correspond to a color key: use them for guidance or strike out on your own. 46 illustrations. Click here to order
Dogs – Color by Number from Creative Haven
Dog lovers will adore these realistic portraits of a German shepherd, Labrador, beagle, and other popular breeds. Use the simple color guide to complete 46 heartwarming images — finished thumbnail images on the inside covers offer coloring ideas for you. Click here to order
Color by Number Cats – Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
American Landscapes
A travelogue of great American vistas includes scenes from Yosemite National Park, Monument Valley, Boulder Mountain, Fossil Butte National Monument, Enders State Forest, and many other landscapes of rugged natural beauty. It contains 46 1 sided, perforated pages.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Still Life Color
Animal Stencils Color by Number
This is a bit of a different style with more of a mosaic look than some of the other books. This also has black-backed one-sided images.
Color by Numbers Calm
Color by Numbers Animal Kingdom Click to Order Amazon US, UK Canada
Color by Numbers Enchanted World Click to Order Amazon US, UK Canada
You can trust the Creative Haven coloring books regardless of illustrator, they have been producing adult coloring books for over 20 years but others that come up on this search have awful reviews, so be cautious.. all coloring books are not created equal!
Guided Coloring by F Sehnaz Bac
Italian Artists F Sehnaz Bac series presents 30 pieces of numbered original artwork to color in. Renowned for the stunning palettes of her whimsical painted rock winged creatures come alive. Birds and Butterflies include songbirds, owls, butterflies, moths, dragonflies, and other winged marvels, all numbered for vibrant coloring in markers, colored pencils, crayons, or paints, along with coloring instruction (with a color key) and four bonus full-color prints. Simply color in each numbered space with the corresponding color in the color key, or explore your unique creative path and fill the spaces with your own palette. Relax, unwind, and be creative as you color in these lovely pieces of art. Once you’ve enjoyed these designs, you’ll want to try Sehnaz’s two other books: Animal Friends, which feature her endearing cats, bunnies, and elephants, along with many other marvelous creatures frolicking on land and under the sea; and Flowers and Mandalas, which include her dazzling mandalas and fun and fanciful blooms.
Birds & Butterflies Guided Coloring by F. Sehnaz Bac
Animal Friends Color By Number
Flowers & Mandalas Color by Number
Usborne has a couple of color by number coloring books to offer as well. They have a variety of designs that could appeal to both kids and adults alike. Reading through the reviews shows that adults fancy this book as a break from the most complicated books that take days to complete a project. These pictures are colored in under an hour with no worries about which colors to use.
Where can I find some of these books at in paducha,ky or Murray,ky.
Hi Doris, there are links to purchase on Amazon next to each book. Hope that helps. 🙂
Doris just type in paint by number for adults and it should take you to the site.
If you are looking for books outside of the US you can click here for Book Depository. They ship throughout the world for free. https://www.bookdepository.com/?a_aid=clumsydoodle
Bonjour. je vis en France et je voudrais savoir comment acheter des livres de coloriage et être livré à mon adresse française.
Merci d’avance pour votre réponse.
Merci de votre demande, le site Web Book Depository (j’ai inclus le lien ci-dessous) propose des livres à colorier dans le monde entier avec la livraison gratuite! J’espère que ça aide! Bonne journée.
~ Addict livre de coloriage ~
(Désolé pour cette traduction française de Google, peut-être pas la meilleure)
I just started my color by number book and I’m hooked. I’m wondering if you have a suggestion for markers or pencils that actually cover the number. They definitely show through with my basic crayola pencils.
Hi Diane, Yes Crayolas don’t give you as much pigment as other brands. You could also try gel pens or markers that don’t bleed. I have a few pages dedicated to just that.
Colored Pencil 101 https://coloringbookaddict.com/colored-pencils-adult-coloring-supplies-coloring-book-addicts/
Favorite Gel Pens https://coloringbookaddict.com/gel-pens-coloring-books/
Markers https://coloringbookaddict.com/best-markers-adult-coloring-books/
Best Budget-Friendly Colored Pencils https://coloringbookaddict.com/best-cheap-colored-pencils-adult-coloring-books/
This page… tip for new colorists might be of interest as well. https://coloringbookaddict.com/adult-coloring-books-top-13-tips-for-new-colorists/ And please feel free to join our Facebook Group for inspiration and coloring chatter. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/groups/coloringbookaddict/
Acabo de leer tu artículo sobre los nuevos libros para colorear de Dover Publications y ¡me ha encantado! Soy una entusiasta del arte y la relajación que brinda el colorear, pero siempre he tenido dificultades para decidir qué colores usar en mis imágenes. Estos libros de color por número suenan como una solución perfecta para ese problema. La idea de seguir una guía numerada para crear retratos precisos de las ilustraciones es simplemente genial. También me agrada mucho que las ilustraciones estén impresas en una sola cara de las páginas, lo que facilita su extracción y exhibición.
Entre todos los libros mencionados, me ha llamado mucho la atención el libro ilustrado por George Toufexis con escenas navideñas. Adoro la Navidad y las imágenes tradicionales de Santa, los árboles de Navidad y las medias junto al fuego me hacen sentir una cálida nostalgia. Además, el hecho de que las imágenes estén diseñadas para coloristas experimentados me desafía a mejorar mis habilidades artísticas. Estoy ansiosa por conseguir este libro y ponerme manos a la obra.
Gracias por compartir esta increíble colección de libros de color por número. Sin duda, los agregaré a mi lista de deseos y espero continuar disfrutando de la relajación y la creatividad que brinda el colorear. ¡Sigue compartiendo más recomendaciones de libros y consejos para colorear!
Los color por número son sin duda una opción para aquellos coloristas que sienten estrés cuando necesitan elegir el color “correcto”. Lo último que la coloración adulta intenta traer a tu vida es más estrés. Espero que les des una oportunidad.
Qué tengas un lindo día.
Christine, la adicta a los colores