There have been so many studies recommending coloring books to battle depression, stress and pain. People battling cancer are having that trifecta. Several coloring book artists have developed some fun and hopefully, therapeutic ways to help during chemo sessions, nights when you can’t sleep or just when you want to relax and have a little fun.
I receive coloring books year-round from publishers so my number one drop-off spot after I’ve reviewed them is to take them to the Oncology Department of our hospital. I invite you to do the same with any books you’ve bought but ended up not liking or even ones where you have colored a couple of pictures but are now done with. You have my promise they will enjoy seeing someone else’s work in the books as well.
Yes, there are some cuss word coloring books listed because F-Cancer!!
Cancer Cuss Word Coloring Books
Suck It Cancer

Inspirational Quotes and Mantras to Color – Fighting Cancer Coloring Book for Adults and Kids to Stay Positive. Pages are one-sided so they can be removed and posted where you might need to see them.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada or Instant Download on Etsy Here.
I am a Cancer Warrior
An Adult Coloring Book for Encouragement, Strength and Positive Vibes: 20 Powerful Mantras To Color by Kathy Weller. Kathy is one of my favorite illustrators to follow on Instagram. She always posts positive fun images that she’s drawn. Click here to Order on Amazon
I am a Cancer Crushing Ninja!
Here’s another book from Kathy Weller with sayings including:
“Dear Cancer, You picked the wrong person to mess with. Sincerely, (space for your name)”
“Cancer cells are suffocated by my positive energy”
“Every Day I’m Brave”
” Chemo is not for Sissies”
“I will be Cancer-Free”
“I DESTROY cancer with my MIND POWER!”

This book is available on Amazon & Etsy
Coloring Through Cancer
This Coloring Book Has 30 Positive Affirmations to Encourage Cancer Survivors
F*ck Cancer
A totally inappropriate self-affirming adult coloring book
F*ck Cancer
A Swear Word Adult Coloring Book For Cancer Patients & Survivors
Breast Cancer Coloring Books
Bras for the Cause
F*ck Breast Cancer Coloring Book
This breast cancer coloring book is great for you or as a gift for a friend or loved one. Inside, you’ll find uplifting quotes, powerful mantras, and positive affirmations to keep your head in the right place as you color. Click to Order
Inkspirations for Breast Cancer Survivors
Coloring Designs to Awaken the Healing Hero Within
Gifts for Cancer Warriors
PAVILIA Healing Thoughts Blanket, Sherpa Fleece Throw for Women
I’m a Survivor! What’s your Super Power
Breast Cancer Bracelet
12 Pair of Breast Cancer Battling Socks
F Cancer Socks
You might want to wear these socks while you are coloring.
Coloring Tote Bag
You’ll need a bag to carry your coloring supplies in and this one looks perfect.
Cancer Crushing Coloring Pages & Books on Etsy
You can also explore the Inspirational Coloring Books Here, the Pretty Cuss Words Coloring Books or the Swear Word Coloring Books.
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