Yes, it’s now 2022 and some folks are STILL QUARANTINING AT HOME!!! I thought you might like to know what the top activity books were for YEAR 2 of COVID-19.
It’s great to keep our minds engaged on something other than what is happening in the world and the alternate universe of Facebook and in 2022 these were the top things we have all been doing.
Crossword Puzzle Books
These are supposed to be great to stave off Alzheimer’s and wanting to drive a spike through someone’s head so take a look at the top sellers.
USA TODAY Jumbo Puzzle Book
Our top seller contains 400 puzzles and brain games. Order Amazon US, UK, Canada, Spain or France
This book contains 110+ Puzzles: Word Search, Codeword, Sudoku, Mazes, Word Fill-ins and More in Large Print for Effective Brain Exercise. Order Amazon US, UK, Canada, Spain or France
Brain Games – Sticker by Number: Ocean Treasures
This Spiral-bound book sticker book contains 13 ocean-themed pictures. Each is numbered and you match the sticker to the number. This one keeps you busy for hours and you can do it with another family member.
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LARGE PRINT Word Search Puzzle Pack
MY CREATIVE CAMP Beginner’s Quilling Kit
Top Coloring Books Pandemic Year 2
The top coloring book for 2021 was a plant coloring book. I guess this makes sense, lots of us are working on our green thumb both with houseplants and gardening. Flower coloring books are also popular. Swear word coloring is also VERY popular. I wonder why?
Houseplants Coloring Book
This book includes many types of houseplants and botanical designs in decorative pots, alone and in combination, with cats and people, flowers, and interior designs. Interesting yet simple enough for seniors.
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Secret Garden
Everyone knows that Johanna remains the Queen of Coloring and this, her first simply groundbreaking book continues to be a favorite. I own two of these. The one that was my first so the coloring isn’t the style I color in now and a new one was gifted to me last year. I love that I can try new things in my new secret garden. If you don’t own this one, the paper is gorgeous thick creamy colored. It’s double-sided and I know some of you hate that but in her books I don’t mind because you get all those stunning huge coloring projects. They may take you a week or more so it’s a perfect pandemic get lost in pretty colors project. I use mostly colored pencils, and sparkly gel pens for the tiny bits and for highlights. You can also use the non-bleed markers that I listed here for you.
Johanna Basford’s two newest books were also quite popular as they departed a bit away from her usual. She’s got one in the works for 2022 and we can’t wait to see what it is.
In Worlds of Wonder, you’ll find tree-top castles, floating islands, and fairytale villages, all waiting to be brought to life in your colors.
A mix of whimsical doodle pages, expert artistic advice, and simple step-by-step drawing guides, the book celebrates the things that bring us comfort and joy, from scrumptious ice cream cones to flourishing potted plants. Click to Order
Mandala Coloring Books were also very popular
Mandalas are known for their calming effect on the nerves and even help with chronic pain.
100 Magnificent Mandalas
You get 100 unique mandalas plus a PDF file so you can print and color with friends and family in person on zoom.
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The Art of Mandala
50 hand-drawn mandalas. The intricate, repetitive designs of a mandala is often recommended as a therapy to help you relax and relieve stress. These are just gorgeous and one of my favorite books too
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100 Amazing Patterns
While not technically mandalas, the repeating patterns and use of flora and fauna as a focal point on these pages make it a favorite. With over 13,000 ratings with a 4.5, you are sure to love this Jade Summer book.
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Swear Word Coloring Books for Quarantine Times
50 Shades Of Bullsh*t:
Exhale: A Self Care Coloring Book
Celebrating Black Women, Brown Women, and Good Vibes
F*ck Off, Coronavirus, I’m Coloring
Self-Care for the Self-Quarantined, A Humorous Adult Swear Word Coloring Book During COVID-19 Pandemic…. 2020… 2021…. 2022….
Coronavirus sucks. Self-quarantining sucks. Social distancing sucks. With reasons to stress coming at us from all directions, why not take a break and just tell life to shut the f* up?
Dare I Stamp You
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Adult Activity Books
Sticker Books
Sticker books were once again a big hit, both coloring with stickers, doing art with stickers and just playing.
The Antiquarian Sticker Book
Over 1000 authentic historical prints from the Victorian age to the early twentieth century are just gorgeous to look at, play with, make collage or use for your correspondence. Snail mail is coming back! If we can’t touch each other, we can at least touch something someone else has touched.
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The Botanist’s Sticker Antholog
This book includes 12 projects featuring animals. The numbered shapes on each page can be filled with corresponding stickers to create sophisticated works of art. This is complex and I do recommend using some sort of sticker tweezers.
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The Ultimate Guide to Modern Calligraphy & Hand Lettering for Beginners
How to Color Like an Artist
Many people wanted to increase their skills in coloring and this book is excellent.
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Rock Art Handbook
Techniques and projects for painting, coloring, and transforming stones into works of art. It’s been all the rage to leave random acts of art in neighborhoods for someone else to find and hopefully give them a little bit of joy. Over 30 Step-by-Step Tutorials using all your favorite mark-making things.
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Acrylic Paint Pens for Rock Painting
You can see more supplies and technique videos on rock painting here.
Online Art Classes are helping people find their inner artists and let you meet people all over the world.
Teachers like Micki Wilde, and Jane Davenport open up skills you never knew you had. Check out some of these mixed media workshops too
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