You might know Steve “Squidoodle” Turner from his generous sharing of his incredibly unique black and white illustrations that he posts on many of the Coloring Book groups on Facebook. Indeed that’s how I discovered his quirky and imaginative doodle creatures and creations.
Steve’s latest and greatest creation is Skull Doodles! This isn’t your regular skull coloring book you know, for your coloring pleasure you’ll find sugar skulls, patterned skulls, skull mandalas, dinosaur skulls, unicorn skulls and other creations from this prolific illustrator.
Skull Doodles Coloring Book
Imaginary Buildings and Magical Lands
Fantastic Forests, Landscapes, Castles and Doodled Cities to Color by Steve Turner. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Steampunk Animals
A Mechanical Coloring Adventure: Vintage and Futuristic mechanical animals to color. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
100 Hearts by Squidoodle
Steve launched his second highly detailed coloring book in November of 2015. It includes all the letters of the alphabet with each letter filled with creatures and items that start with that letter.
Squidoodle’s Book of Fancy Letters – Click to Order
All 26 letters of the alphabet, on single side pages with doodles items to color in. Taken from the intricate hand drawn pen drawings of Steve Turner a.k.a Squidoodle. Each letter is detailed and ornate, with doodled items beginning with that letter. Try and spot as many as you can! As well as the 26 letters of the alphabet there are four added symbols – & + = and a heart. Each letter sits centrally on the page, away from the spine – you can cut the letters out, color them and give them as gifts to family or friends.
All the pages inside this book are taken from the hand-drawn illustrations by Steve Squidoodle Turner. I carefully selected items to be contained in each letter – making it fun for kids and adults alike. The A contains an astronaut, an apple, an aeroplane, an anchor…. The B contains a bee, Big Ben, a beetle, balloons…. you get the idea!!
Squidoodle’s Fancy Letters Click to Order Amazon US Amazon UK
A Day at the Beach by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
The Natural Atlas by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
Creative Insults for Foul-Mouthed Beasts – A UK Sweary Coloring Book by Squidoodle – Steve Turner
Click to order Amazon US – Amazon UK
Steve kindly agreed to answer a few questions so you could get to know where his inspiration comes from and how the mind of an artist works.
Coloring Book Artist Steve “Squidoodle” Turner Q & A
Q. What do you Enjoy Drawing the Most?
A. I love drawing animals the Most
Q. How did you get started?
A. I’ve always drawn but only recently started taking it seriously. I mainly draw because it’s therapeutic.
Q. Who or what is your inspiration?
A. I draw inspiration from nature and mechanics and the interesting contradiction between them.
Q. What materials do you enjoy using the most?
A. Fineline pens and drawing pads.
Q. Do you like to color in your designs or prefer to have others do that?
A. I prefer it when other people colour my work because it creates something completely different. I never do a drawing just for colouring, I envisage them as black and white so when someone colours my drawing, it takes on a whole new identity which is fantastic.
Q. What supplies or brands do you recommend for your book or designs?
A. For colouring in I’ve heard prismacolour pencils are pretty good. Sharpies are bold but they bleed a little. I’d like to see someone colour my drawing with pastels.
Q. What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t doing art?
A. Apart from drawing, I like going away camping in my old campervan. But I still take a sketchbook with me….
Bonus! I asked Steve if there was anything else I should ask that his fans might want to know about him. He came up with the question…”What’s the strangest thing you’ve drawn?”
A. I did a commissioned drawing of the entire digestive system. It was really unusual and fun and I actually learned a lot doing it.
Steve’s first coloring books is available on Amazon
Squidoodle’s Adventures in Colouring and Doodling
In Steve’s words….. My first coloring book for grown-ups or kids! Squidoodle’s Adventures in Colouring and Doodling is an A4 (For we Yanks that’s 8 1/2 x 11 letter size) It’s a 16-page coloring book, on single sides, featuring all the favorites: Ornate owl, campervan, dragon, Steampunk and more. Color it in, Doodle the backgrounds….or both! Printed on single sides so if you use pens, it doesn’t matter if they go through.
Many of the designs have white areas for you to complete in your own doodle style.
Check out the video flip-thru of the book below.
Squidoodle Free Images to Color
Bee Yourself
Heart Island
Christmas Naughty Santas
Steampunk Snowman
Halloween Skull
The Beefeaters & The Telephone Box
Aircooled Volkswagens
1980s Retro Childhood
Breast Cancer Ribbon
Purchase Steve Squidoodle Turner Coloring Books Here: US ~ UK ~ Canada
Steve created this detailed Breast Cancer Ribbon for everyone to color-in in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month of October. He would love to see you color it in and post it to his Facebook page. He’s been overwhelmed with how many people have downloaded and colored.

Let’s raise some money!! As you all know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I have drawn a doodle-ribbon, with flowers, hearts, butterflies, a “There is always hope” scroll, leaves, diamonds, a dove, a glass of wine and loads more.
I want you all to color it. In hot pinks.. pencils, pens, whatever you fancy. All I ask, is that if you download, print it and color it, please take a photo of your colouring and make a small donation to the Cancer charity of your choice. Then send me the photo and I’ll create an album on my page, of all the wonderful colored ribbons. Make sure you share this so others can get involved.
You don’t need to tell me who you have donated to, or how much, but if you do we can get a better idea of how much we can raise.
Download the high resolution PDF here
Happy colouring folks! Let’s see if we can raise some money.
Squiddy D
Hi I saw you had a handful of free coloring pages. But they won’t pull up. Can you please help. Thank you.
There’s only one free image linked on this page, the breast cancer ribbon and it opened fine for me just now? There is an entire page of free to color pictures on the site, just click the search bar and it should pop up for you. There’s also a Facebook contest to enter and win Imagimorphia.