Yes, you read that right, I didn’t even know that was a thing until someone sent me a book in 2016. Only 30 days until the 2020 Presidental election… in case you didn’t know already.
That would be a low key way to support your candidate on social media I suppose or you could take the opposite approach and buy the coloring book of the person running that you hate the most and do strange things with the pictures.
Get off social media and dive into your frustrations on the coloring page!
Coloring Book Supplies you will need to color in your favorite politicos include:
- Flesh tone Colored Pencils by Derwent
- Flesh tone Colored Pencils by Lyra
- Prismacolor Portrait Set of Colored Pencils
- Kum Sharpener – These are the best for your Colored Pencils!
- Flesh tone Markers – Tombow Brush Markers
- Flesh tone Markers – Copic – for the serious artist (these bleed like crazy so only use these if you copy pictures to card stock)
- Spectrum Noir Flesh Tone Markers
- Copic Ciao Markers – Flesh Tones
- Orange is a flesh tone too Marker
2024 Election Coloring Books
2024 Election Anxiety Coloring Book
Trump Coloring Book: 2024 Edition: Make coloring great again
Leadership Looks Like Me – Kamala Harris Edition
A book of Coloring and Affirmations
Political Stress Relief Activity Book
A Lighthearted Election Escape for Fed-Up Adults
The 25 Dumbest Things Donald Trump Ever Said
“Make America Color Again!”
A Donald Trump Coloring Book for MAGA Trump Supporters and Anti Trumpers alike! De-stress!
Coloring the Future President Kamala Harris
25 Page Inspirational Coloring Book
The Mega MAGA Anti-Woke Coloring Book
Presidential Election 2020 Coloring Books
The 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates Coloring and Activity Book
You can see all of the Trump books throughout this page so here we’ll be adding new candidates.
Hot Cup of Joe: A Piping Hot Coloring Book with America’s Sexiest Moderate, Joe Biden
Perforated pages let you pin your finished pictures on the wall, just like you pin your hopes and dreams on his leadership. Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Ridin’ With Biden Coloring Book
A 25 Page Pro Joe Political Meme Coloring Pages To Laugh Through The Election Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
When You Just Can’t Even…Coping With Trump Coloring Book
Color in phrases like these to help your mental health
- Empathy not Apathy
- Make America Think Again
- Repeal & Replace Trump
- Stay Woke or
- Trump Free Zone for your home or office
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Nasty Woman Resistance
This pro-woman coloring book features phrases to help motivate you to keep up the good fight.
- Nasty Woman
- Unity is Power
- Stronger Together
- Girls Rule
- Women’s Rights are Human Rights
- Girls Kick Ass
- Girls just wanna have “fun”-damental Human Rights
- Resist
- If you sexist me I will feminist you
- Fight Like a Girl
- #NastyWoman
- Nasty Women Vote
- Nevertheless She Persisted
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
What the Trump??!: Politically Incorrect Coloring Book for Adults
Ah, President Trump. Love him or hate him, you have to admit, some pretty whackadoodle things come out of this guy’s mouth! And now you can color them! Part horror, part hilarity, this politically incorrect coloring book for adults brings to life all the some of the unbelievably obtuse dribble our Commander in Chief is responsible for uttering. By the way, it is perfectly acceptable to therapeutically color over each and every page with a black permanent marker.
Monica Gray – Author
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
ELIZABETH WARREN, 2020 The Peoples Warrior
Fighting against the overwhelming power of big money in America.
Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Coloring Book Biography
This book about AOC REALLY upset a lot of Trump lovers in the reviews so that will give you an idea of the content. “The 30 illustrations capture her upbringing in the Bronx, her days at Boston University, her stunning 2018 primary victory, and the issues that matter most to Ocasio-Cortez. “
Click to order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The SOCIALISTS: Do As We Say, Not As We Do
This one falls on the side of Pro-Republican anti-Democrat. However, Democrats can ignore the words and just enjoy their heroes dressed up as such.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
The Mike Pence Coloring Book
Featuring 50 wacky & wild illustrations of America’s sexiest Vice President, reviews from both sides of the aisle were good for this book. It’s 123 pages so I assume there are lots of jokes and other activities included here.
Click here to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
President Trump Word Search & Crossword Book: Adult Political Humor
This book will make a great gift for a true supporter of the president or given as a gag joke humor gift to someone who is not.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Doodle Donald
The Most Infuriating Yet Oddly Satisfying Coloring Book Ever. 56 pages with over 100 doodles of Donald for you to fill in as you see fit.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Electile Dysfunction – The Story of the 2016 Presidential Election Coloring Book
So far, the person with the most coloring books is Donald Trump!
Donald Trump Political Coloring Books
Not My F*%*ing President
15 illustrations + 10 color and cut projects to color away your stress about Donald Trump being the US President. There are also some speech bubbles for you to write in your own favorite Trumpisms.
Click to Order Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada
FU** Trump Cuss Word Coloring Book for Adults
Still upset about the election.. this might help.

Donald Trump & the Republicans Coloring book by Daryl Cagle
Daryl Cagle has drawn all about the Trump presidential campaign, including the reluctant, imploding Republicans who have a tough time accepting Trump. Cagle’s Trump coloring book is a perfect gift for the political junkie in your life. The book includes a big collection of Trump cartoons that Cagle has drawn for the over 850 newspapers that subscribe to his political cartoons. Daryl says don’t forget your Orange marker.
The Donald Trump Book of Insults Coloring Book
If there aren’t enough Donald’isms in this book you should check out 101 insults by Donald Trump: A How-To Guide on Twitter Warfare
The Huge and Beautiful Trumptivity Coloring and Activity Book
Coloring Therapy to Deal with Donald Trump
Whether he’s crossing the Delaware River or playing chess with Putin, see Donald Trump like you’ve never seen him before. Over 50 drawings of Trump for you to color—any way you want.
The TRUMP Coloring book

Next up the Off Color Donald Trump Coloring book
Color your way through 20 of Donald Trump’s most off-color remarks as you get psyched for the 2016 presidential election.
No one is safe from the hubris and political incorrectness of The Donald. See the GOP candidate celebrate his wealth, power, and obvious physical appeal in this timely coloring book that is as engrossing as the billionaire himself! Makes a great gag, joke, or novelty gift.
Trump 2016 – Off Color Coloring Book US
Trump 2016 – Off Color Coloring Book UK
Trump 2016 – Off Color Coloring Book Canada
We Shall Overcome! How To Survive the Presidency of the Angry Cheeto
Another Anti-Trump Coloring Book for Adults to try to color away the anger of the election with some hilarious notions to color in like
- Love Trumps Hate
- This Pussy has Claws
- Impeachment Watch
- Resist the Furor
- Power to the People
- We Shall Overcomb
- Stay Woke
- Real Men Are Feminists
- Grab Him By His (tiny) Balls
The Trump Coloring Book by Mr. Leslie Tran
This coloring book is a slam on Donald Trump so actually more of a Hillary Clinton book or anti- Donald Trump book so order appropriately. The images show Hillary besting Donald in illustrations where they are both dressed up as various characters. Click the “Surprise Me” button on Amazon and you’ll see the illustrations included.
Poke Trump Go Coloring Book
- More Donald Trump Coloring Books available on Amazon US
- More Donald Trump Coloring Books available on Amazon UK
- More Donald Trump Coloring Books available on Amazon Canada
President Donald Trump – A Patriots Coloring Book
Make Coloring Great Again: The Political Coloring Book to Piss Everyone Off
Click To Order Amazon US, UK & Canada
Here’s an extra Orange marker so you don’t run out.
Donald vs Hillary 2016 Commemorative Coloring Book: Limited Edition Collector’s Edition
Not to be outdone by “The Donald” Hillary has just as many serious and gag coloring books as he does.
Hillary Clinton Political Coloring Books
Hillary – The Coloring Book
Color and discover the extraordinary politcal life of Hillary Rodham Clinton with this fun and informative activity book. Grab some crayons and add your own tint to her amazing and often controversial biography. You’ll capture her early childhood and academic accomplishments, time as First Lady in Arkansas and the White House, and years in the Senate and State Department, as well as her entire political career right up to the launch of the 2016 Presidential Race.
Leslie Tran, the author of 4 political coloring books clearly has a bias towards Hillary so if that’s your bent you’ll enjoy this book.
The Hilla-Crimes Coloring Book – The Hilarious Crimes of Hillary Rodham Clinton
We’ve all been told that Hillary Clinton is the most notorious criminal in the history of American politics! But now, for the first time, Hillary’s truckload of evil deeds have been painstakingly documented as whimsical coloring book images. Enjoy HILLA-CRIMES 20 hilarious illustrations of crooked Hillary as she rampages across America in the weirdest and funniest political satire coloring book ever!
Click to Order Amazon US
Go the F**k to Jail: An Adult Coloring Book of the Clinton Scandals
Color Hillary Clinton and the Democrats by Daryl Cagle
The adult coloring book for Hillary fans and foes by America’s most widely syndicated editorial cartoonist, Daryl Cagle, a perfect gift for the political junkie in your life. Click to Order Amazon US
Bernie Sanders Political Coloring Books
The author-artist of this next coloring book tweeted me about it and I just had to add it.. what a hoot! Do you need even more Bernie? We got you! Bernie Sanders Books & Campaign Gear click here.
Buff Bernie: A Coloring Book For Berniacs
Let’s face it. Bernie Sanders would make one hunk of a president. He’s got it all – the brains, the vision, the hair – and now with Buff Bernie, he’s got the buff bod to lift this fine United States of America even higher into the skies of greatness. Enjoy over 20 pages of exquisitely muscular Bernie Sanders drawings for you to color and enjoy… however you so choose, you naughty thing, you. Buff Bernie is the absolute perfect coloring book for Berniacs of all ages. Now you can ‘Feel The Bern’ like never before!
Color Me Bernie by Leslie Tran
This coloring book has images with Bernie Sanders likeness on all sorts of characters like Yoda and a Harry Potter character. Many of the images are printed where the center of the images in right in the fold of the pages so that’s fairly awkward if you are a big Bernie fan you might enjoy it. I did a flip through on my Instagram here. Click to Order
Ted Cruz Coloring Books
Ted Cruz to the Future Coloring Book
In a continuation of the company’s popular series Tell the Truth – Tell it Often – Tell the Children designed for all ages to promote positive healthy discussion and understanding of the political process (RBCB) turns complex challenges or issues into a relevant format with an emphasis on youth. The Cruz to the Future book is a non-partisan, fact-driven view of how Texas Sen. Rafael Edward Ted Cruz became a U.S. senator and details, through his quotes and public information his ideas for what he believes will help America grow. Cruz has openly identified with the Tea Party and garners support from the Republican Liberty Caucus and many independents including democrats.
These were all I could find for candidates for the 2016 President of the United States. Someone needs to publish an “It’s not my fault. I voted for Gary Johnson” coloring book.
Barack Obama Coloring Books
Barack Obama Coloring Book by Dover
Where most of the coloring books above are snarky and/or parody’s of the candidates and the new president, this is a portrait of America’s forty-fourth president that depict 30 illustrations and informative captions mark significant events in Obama’s life. Learn about his childhood in Hawaii, his education through Harvard Law School, marriage to Michelle, the birth of his children, Malia and Sasha, his nomination at the Democratic convention, and his historic victory as the first African-American president of the United States.
Click to Order Amazon US
Color Obama by Daryl Cagle
An adult coloring book for Trump fans and foes by America’s most widely syndicated Daryl Cagle. This book contains his illustrations that have appeared in magazines & newspapers and puts them into coloring book format. Click to Order Amazon US
Coloring Book Supplies you will need to color in your favorite politicos include:
- Flesh tone Colored Pencils by Derwent
- Flesh tone Colored Pencils by Lyra
- Prismacolor Portrait Set of Colored Pencils
- Kum Sharpener – These are the best for your Colored Pencils!
- Flesh tone Markers – Tombow Brush Markers
- Flesh tone Markers – Copic – for the serious artist
- Spectrum Noir Flesh Tone Markers
- Copic Ciao Markers – Flesh Tones
- Orange is a flesh tone too Marker
If you don’t have Amazon Prime yet.. well now is the time and you get a Free 30-day trial to check it out.
These coloring books are too good. I will have to send these to my cousin. She is really into politics. I must admit I have never really been one to get involved, but I think these books are so funny. I really like the Trump book that shows him as a superhero. It really does tickle my ribs.